Picture this.
You're sitting in a mahogany floored library surrounded by mahogany bookshelves filled with very old books. You catch a hint of musk but can't determine if it's coming from the wood or books or something else. It's not so strong that it smells dirty or dusty. It hangs rather loosely in the air, like someone was smoking a pipe or cigar maybe 20 minutes ago. You also catch the faint scent of something sweet. Apple perhaps?
You do a double take. You were certain the wooden floors and shelves were mahogany. So where did that cedarwood come from, or is it oak? Or maybe it's both, but there's definitely more wood than just mahogany. Ah, there's the sweetness you were picking up. An open bottle of bourbon not 10 feet away. Someone lined the glass of bourbon with apple slices. Apple slices? Is that a thing?
All of that is the mahogany experience. Wearer be warned, this is a rich scent, there's nothing real subtle about it.